Jen is a music educator of 15 years and founder of Jen has worked as a middle and senior leader in a range of school settings in the Midlands and London and sits on the Board of Lambeth Sounds (Lambeth’s Music Education Hub).

Founder - Jen Hurst
Having graduated from the Birmingham Conservatoire in 2004, Jen also worked in community music, directing an inner city youth orchestra in collaboration with the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra Berkley Salon and APAA, was Director of the Birmingham Schools’ Flute Choir and worked as the Woodwind Sectional Leader for the Birmingham Schools’ Training Winds Ensemble for the then, Birmingham Music Service, teaching children aged 8 – 18.
Jen’s work within secondary schools has allowed her to plan and deliver the curriculum at KS3, KS4 and KS5 in Music, working with children aged 11 – 18, alongside colleagues from across the disciplines in the arts. As a former Assessor and Quality Nominee for Pearson’s Btec qualification, Jen has worked closely on assessment, quality and standards of work samples.
Jen was conferred as an Honorary Member of the Birmingham Conservatoire in 2014 and is an alumnus of UCL Institute of Education (MA Leadership).
The Creative Educator is a space that brings together educators and arts practitioners to share strategies and resources for embedding creativity in the curriculum and to celebrate its impact on all learners.